Records for useful commands in bioinformatics analysis
The post collects my daily used commands or scripts in bioinformatics analysis especially focusing on next generation sequencing.
File format transfer
#####Bed to GTF or Gff
I usually use this online tool, bedToGtf
Still, there are several ways to do this which I have not tested.
- bedToGenePred
- one-line script
Gtf to bed
- gtf2bed from bedops
- from clipper
- If you want to get the 5’UTR, CDS, 3’UTR, start-codon and stop codon separately, I recommend use my own script and Please see detailed usage for this script in parseGTF.
- GTF to Bed12 (use UCSC tools)
Sequence extraction
- Extract FATSA sequence for
file- gffread from cufflinks
- Extract FATSA sequence for
file- I recmmend my script