
  1. 查看R函数代码

    • 如果是R的内部函数,直接输入函数名字,即可查看函数的代码

      > colMeans
      function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) 
          if (is.data.frame(x)) 
              x <- as.matrix(x)
          if (!is.array(x) || length(dn <- dim(x)) < 2L) 
              stop("'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions")
          if (dims < 1L || dims > length(dn) - 1L) 
              stop("invalid 'dims'")
          n <- prod(dn[id <- seq_len(dims)])
          dn <- dn[-id]
          z <- if (is.complex(x)) 
              .Internal(colMeans(Re(x), n, prod(dn), na.rm)) + (0+1i) * 
                  .Internal(colMeans(Im(x), n, prod(dn), na.rm))
          else .Internal(colMeans(x, n, prod(dn), na.rm))
          if (length(dn) > 1L) {
              dim(z) <- dn
              dimnames(z) <- dimnames(x)[-id]
          else names(z) <- dimnames(x)[[dims + 1L]]
      <bytecode: 0x2122250>
      <environment: namespace:base>
    • 如果是S4函数,则需要使用getMethod(function_name, package_name)

      > showMethods('MeanVarPlot')
      Function: MeanVarPlot (package Seurat)
      > getMethod("MeanVarPlot", "seurat")
      Method Definition:
      function (object, fxn.x = expMean, fxn.y = logVarDivMean, do.plot = TRUE, 
             set.var.genes = TRUE, do.text = TRUE, x.low.cutoff = 0.1, 
             x.high.cutoff = 8, y.cutoff = 1, y.high.cutoff = Inf, cex.use = 0.5, 
             cex.text.use = 0.5, do.spike = FALSE, pch.use = 16, col.use = "black", 
             spike.col.use = "red", plot.both = FALSE)
  2. sapply usage

    > a <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(30), ncol=3))
    > a
               V1           V2            V3
    1   1.1678261  0.535765512 -0.0002789383
    2   1.4408018  0.006156163 -0.8926204461
    3  -0.7577270 -0.252982299  0.7633047153
    4  -0.6555118 -0.940734927  0.5586641498
    5   1.6814423  0.536600480  0.0965808879
    6  -1.5529560 -1.491656309 -0.1404898216
    7  -0.2791699 -0.405854634 -0.6891447979
    8  -0.5111633  1.071639283  0.4492834514
    9  -0.0406343  0.243810629  0.9092924868
    10 -1.4827207 -0.333623245 -0.2155860373
    > a$Group = c(rep('A',5), rep('B',5))
    > a
               V1           V2            V3 Group
    1   1.1678261  0.535765512 -0.0002789383     A
    2   1.4408018  0.006156163 -0.8926204461     A
    3  -0.7577270 -0.252982299  0.7633047153     A
    4  -0.6555118 -0.940734927  0.5586641498     A
    5   1.6814423  0.536600480  0.0965808879     A
    6  -1.5529560 -1.491656309 -0.1404898216     B
    7  -0.2791699 -0.405854634 -0.6891447979     B
    8  -0.5111633  1.071639283  0.4492834514     B
    9  -0.0406343  0.243810629  0.9092924868     B
    10 -1.4827207 -0.333623245 -0.2155860373     B
    > my_function <- function(x) { 
    +     A <- x[a$Group=="A"]
    +     B <- x[a$Group=="B"]
    +     t.test(A, B)$p.value
    + }
    > sapply(X=a[,!(names(a) %in% c("Group"))], FUN=my_function, simplify = T)
           V1        V2        V3 
    0.0675659 0.7597376 0.9180267 
    > t.test(a$V1[1:5],a$V1[6:10])$p.value
    [1] 0.0675659
  3. Automatically install packages if not exist

    usePackage <- function(p) {
        if (!is.element(p, installed.packages()[,1]))
            install.packages(p, dep = TRUE)
            require(p, character.only = TRUE)
  4. Sometimes when you found the lines reading by read.table smaller than real line number, please check it you have "" or '' in your file.

    ### Always set no quote
    a <- read.table(file, sep="\t",  header=T, row.names=1, quote="")
  5. Read in data from string rather than files

    data  <- read.table(text=string, sep="\t")
  6. 使用Aggregate进行分组计算

    Aggregate by one column of dataframe.

    > ID <- c("a", "b", "c", "b", "c", "d", "e")
    > A <- c(1:7)
    > B <- c(3:9)
    > C <- c(9:3)
    > test <- data.frame(ID, A, B, C)
    > test
      ID A B C
    1  a 1 3 9
    2  b 2 4 8
    3  c 3 5 7
    4  b 4 6 6
    5  c 5 7 5
    6  d 6 8 4
    7  e 7 9 3
    > a = aggregate(test[2:4], by=test[1], FUN=mean)
    > a
      ID A B C
    1  a 1 3 9
    2  b 3 5 7
    3  c 4 6 6
    4  d 6 8 4
    5  e 7 9 3

    Aggregate by an external variable

    > a <- "ID;Grp
    > b <- "ID;A.1;A.2;A.3;B.1;B.2;B.3;B.4;C.1;C.2
    > sampFile <- read.table(text=a, sep=';', row.names=1, header=T)
    > mat <- read.table(text=b, sep=';', header=T,row.names=1)
    > mat_t <- t(mat)
    > mat_t
        a b c
    A.1 1 1 2
    A.2 2 3 4
    A.3 3 3 3
    B.1 8 1 1
    B.2 2 3 5
    B.3 3 3 3
    B.4 4 4 6
    C.1 4 1 2
    C.2 2 2 2
    > Grp <- sampFile[match(rownames(mat_t), rownames(sampFile)),1]
    > #The variable given to `by` in `aggregate` must be a list 
    > mat_mean <- aggregate(mat_t, by=list(Grp=Grp), FUN=mean)
    > mat_mean_grp <- mat_mean$Grp
    > mat_mean_final <- do.call(rbind, mat_mean)[-1,]
    > colnames(mat_mean_final) <- mat_mean_grp
    > mat_mean_final
             A    B   C
    a 2.000000 4.25 3.0
    b 2.333333 2.75 1.5
    c 3.000000 3.75 2.0
  7. 条件填充数据表

    > A <- c(1:9)
    > B <- c(11:5,13,14)
    > C <- c(9:1)
    > test <- data.frame(A, B, C)
    > test
      A  B C
    1 1 11 9
    2 2 10 8
    3 3  9 7
    4 4  8 6
    5 5  7 5
    6 6  6 4
    7 7  5 3
    8 8 13 2
    9 9 14 1
    > lod_generate3 <- function(x){
    +   for(i in 2:length(x)){
    +     if(x[i]<x[1])
    +       x[i] <- round(runif(1,min=0,max=x[1]))
    +   }
    +   x
    + }
    > apply(test, 2, lod_generate3)
          A  B C
     [1,] 1 11 9
     [2,] 2  9 6
     [3,] 3  9 7
     [4,] 4  2 8
     [5,] 5  9 6
     [6,] 6 10 2
     [7,] 7  7 7
     [8,] 8 13 2
     [9,] 9 14 5
  8. 每一列的数除以该列的总和

    > a <- data.frame('a'=c(1,2,3,4),'b'=c(1,2,3,4),'d'=2:5)
    > a
      a b d
    1 1 1 2
    2 2 2 3
    3 3 3 4
    4 4 4 5
    > colSums(a)
     a  b  d 
    10 10 14 
    > a/colSums(a) #Wrong
              a         b         d
    1 0.1000000 0.1000000 0.1428571
    2 0.2000000 0.1428571 0.3000000
    3 0.2142857 0.3000000 0.4000000
    4 0.4000000 0.4000000 0.3571429
    > t(a)/colSums(a) #Half-right
           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
    a 0.1000000 0.2000000 0.3000000 0.4000000
    b 0.1000000 0.2000000 0.3000000 0.4000000
    d 0.1428571 0.2142857 0.2857143 0.3571429
    > t(t(a)/colSums(a)) #Right
           a   b         d
    [1,] 0.1 0.1 0.1428571
    [2,] 0.2 0.2 0.2142857
    [3,] 0.3 0.3 0.2857143
    [4,] 0.4 0.4 0.3571429
  9. 取出共同的列

    > a <- data.frame('a'=1:5,'b'=2:6,'c'=round(runif(5,min=0, max=2)),'d'=sample(1:10,5))
    > a
      a b c d
    1 1 2 2 6
    2 2 3 2 8
    3 3 4 1 1
    4 4 5 1 2
    5 5 6 2 4
    > b = data.frame('b'=round(rnorm(5, mean=50, sd=10)),'e'=rep(1,5),'d'=round(runif(5,min=0, max=10)),'c'=sample(1:10,5, replace=T))
    > b
       b e d c
    1 33 1 5 7
    2 62 1 8 6
    3 26 1 8 1
    4 63 1 8 6
    5 43 1 9 4
    > ?match(x, y)
    # Select elements existed in x for each in y and ordered as in x
    # Remove elements only existed in y
    > b[,na.omit(match(colnames(a),colnames(b)))]
       b c d
    1 33 7 5
    2 62 6 8
    3 26 1 8
    4 63 6 8
    5 43 4 9
  10. pairwise.t.test for a matrix

    > data = data.frame(Group=c(rep('a',20),rep('b',20),rep('c',20)), A=runif(60, min=0, max=60), B=c(sample(1:10,20,replace=T), sample(20:30,20,replace=T), c(sample(1:30,20, replace=T))))
    > data
       Group          A  B
    1      a  8.3522445  6
    2      a 22.9813777  4
    3      a 11.5574241  8
    4      a 57.5316085  6
    5      a 20.2775717  2
    .      . .           .
    .      . .           .
    21     b 36.8333789 25
    22     b 23.5413342 24
    23     b 41.6235628 26
    24     b 27.5968927 25
    25     b 48.6045175 20
    .      . .           .
    .      . .           .
    58     c 51.0684425 30
    59     c  4.0294234 27
    60     c 22.6168908 27
    > my_function <- function(x) {
    +     pvalue_m = pairwise.t.test(x, data$Group, pool.sd = F)$p.value
    +     pvalue_m <- as.data.frame(pvalue_m)
    +     pvalue_m$id <- rownames(pvalue_m)
    +     pvalue_m <- melt(pvalue_m, id.vars=c('id'))
    +     name_combine = paste(pvalue_m$id, pvalue_m$variable,sep='.vs.')
    +     pvalue_m <- as.data.frame(pvalue_m$value)
    +     rownames(pvalue_m) <- name_combine
    +     pvalue_m
    +     #colnames(pvalue_m)[colnames(pvalue_m)=="value"] = name_col
    +     #x
    + }
    > p.value <- apply(X=data[,-1], 2,FUN=my_function)
    > p.value <- do.call(cbind, p.value)
    > colnames(p.value) <- colnames(data[,-1])
    > t(p.value)
            b.vs.a      c.vs.a b.vs.b       c.vs.b
    A 8.670387e-01 0.454526764     NA 0.4545267642
    B 3.111305e-22 0.008677007     NA 0.0001068359
  11. t.test & pairwise.t.test ref

    The problem is not in the p-value correction, but in the (declaration of the) variance assumptions. You have used var.equal=T in your t.test calls and pooled.sd=FALSE in your paired.t.test calls. However, the argument for paired.t.test is pool.sd, not pooled.sd. Changing this gives p-values equivalent to the individual calls to t.test

    pairwise.t.test(df$freq,  df$class,  p.adjust.method="none" ,  
                            paired=FALSE,  pool.sd=FALSE)
  12. Several ggplot pic together

    Several ggplot pic together

    data <- c(1:6,6:1,6:1,1:6, (6:1)/10,(1:6)/10,(1:6)/10,(6:1)/10,2:7,7:2,6:1,1:6, 6:1,1:6,3:8,7:2)
    data <- as.data.frame(matrix(data, ncol=12, byrow=T))
    data$type <- c(rep("Gene Expression",2), rep("DNA methylation",2), rep("H3K4me3",2), rep("H3K27me3",2))
    colnames(data) <- c("Zygote","2_cell","4_cell","8_cell","Morula","ICM","ESC","4 week PGC","7 week PGC","10 week PGC","17 week PGC", "OOcyte", "type")
    data$ID <- rep(c("gene1","gene2"),4)
    data_m <- melt(data, id.vars=c("type","ID"))
    data_m$type <- factor(data_m$type, levels=c("Gene Expression", "DNA methylation", "H3K4me3","H3K27me3"))
    out <- by(data=data_m, INDICES=data_m$type, FUN=function(m) {
        m <- droplevels(m)
        p <- ggplot(m, aes(x=variable,y=ID)) + xlab(NULL) + 
             labs(title=levels(m$type))  + theme_bw()  + 
             theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank()) + theme(legend.key=element_blank()) + 
             theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45,hjust=1, vjust=1)) + 
             theme(legend.position="right") + geom_tile(aes(fill=value)) + 
             scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "red")
    do.call(grid.arrange,c(out, ncol=1))
    grid_plot = function(m, hline){
      ID = unique(m$Metabolites)
      coords = hline[[ID]]$coord
      text = hline[[ID]]$text
      p <- ggplot(m, aes(x=Samples, y=Concentration, color=Year, group=Year))
      p <- p + geom_line(size=1, alpha=0.6) + labs(title=ID) + theme(legend.position = "right") + expand_limits(y=0)+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45,hjust=1, vjust=1)) + geom_hline(yintercept = coords, linetype="dotted", size=0.5) + annotate("text", y=coords, x=0, label=text, vjust=0, hjust=0)
    hline = list(H1=list(coord=c(5000), text=c(5000)), Glu=list(coord=c(50), text=c(50)), Arg..Arg.Orn.=list(coord=c(0.5), text=c(0.5)))
    out <- by(data=ctrl.m, INDICES=ctrl.m$Metabolites, FUN=grid_plot,hline)
    do.call(grid.arrange,c(out, ncol=1))
  13. 查看R包的版本 installed.packages()[c("SC3"), c("Package", "Version")]

    移除安装包 remove.packages(c('package_name'))

    去加载已经加载的包 detach("package:package_name")

  14. 判断一个变量是否存在

    } else {
  15. stop and warn

    warning("output a message after a function finishes")
    stop("stops the execution of the function and outputs an error message")
  16. Extract all numeric columns

    new_df <- df[sapply(df, is.numeric)]
  17. r-studio usages

    rstudio-server start/stop/restart
    ps -u user | grep 'rsession' # Kill this process when rstuido-server becomes unresponsive
  18. merge dataframes

    merge(a, b, all.x=T)
    a <- "ID;Grp
    b <- "ID;A.1;A.2;A.3;B.1;B.2;B.3;B.4;C.1;C.2
    sampFile <- read.table(text=a, sep=';', row.names=1, header=T)
    mat <- read.table(text=b, sep=';', header=T,row.names=1)
    mat_t <- t(mat)
    > c = merge(sampFile, mat_t, by=0)
    > #c = merge(sampFile, mat_t, by="row.names")  #Both work
    > c
      Row.names Grp a b c
    1       A.1   A 1 1 1
    2       A.2   A 2 2 2
    3       A.3   A 3 3 3
    4       B.1   B 1 1 1
    5       B.2   B 2 2 2
    6       B.3   B 3 3 3
    7       B.4   B 4 4 4
    8       C.1   C 1 1 1
    9       C.2   C 2 2 2
    > c = dataframe(c[,-1], row.names=c[,1])
    > c
        Grp a b c
    A.1   A 1 1 1
    A.2   A 2 2 2
    A.3   A 3 3 3
    B.1   B 1 1 1
    B.2   B 2 2 2
    B.3   B 3 3 3
    B.4   B 4 4 4
    C.1   C 1 1 1
    C.2   C 2 2 2
  19. strsplit

    sample <- c("a_samp1_1", "a_samp1_2", "a_samp1_3", "a_samp2_1", "a_samp2_2", "a_samp2_3")
    # 把样品名字按 <_> 分割,取出其第二部分作为样品的组名
    # lapply(X,  FUC) 对列表或向量中每个元素执行FUC操作,FUNC为自定义或R自带的函数
    ## One better way to generate group
    group <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(sample, "_" ), function(x) x[2]))
  20. Multiple rows or columns legend

    gg+guides(fill=guide_legend(nrow=2, byrow=TRUE))
  21. 条件替换数据表

    > a <- data.frame(a=1:4,b=1:4,c=1:4)
    > a
      a b c
    1 1 1 1
    2 2 2 2
    3 3 3 3
    4 4 4 4
    > a[a$b<3,"b"] <- 3
    > a
      a b c
    1 1 3 1
    2 2 3 2
    3 3 3 3
    4 4 4 4
    > a <- within(a, a[a<4] <- 2)
    > a
      a b c
    1 2 3 1
    2 2 3 2
    3 2 3 3
    4 4 4 4
    > a = matrix(1:20, nrow=4)
    > a
         [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
    [1,]    1    5    9   13   17
    [2,]    2    6   10   14   18
    [3,]    3    7   11   15   19
    [4,]    4    8   12   16   20
    > a <- as.data.frame(a)
    > a$a = letters[1:4]
    > a
      V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 a
    1  1  5  9 13 17 a
    2  2  6 10 14 18 b
    3  3  7 11 15 19 c
    4  4  8 12 16 20 d
    > a[,1:4][a[,1:4]>4] <- 0
    > a
      V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 a
    1  1  0  0  0 17 a
    2  2  0  0  0 18 b
    3  3  0  0  0 19 c
    4  4  0  0  0 20 d
    > a[,-6][a[,-6]>4] <- 0
    > a
      V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 a
    1  1  0  0  0  0 a
    2  2  0  0  0  0 b
    3  3  0  0  0  0 c
    4  4  0  0  0  0 d
    > a[,-6][a[,-6]!=0] <- 1
    > a
      V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 a
    1  1  0  0  0  0 a
    2  1  0  0  0  0 b
    3  1  0  0  0  0 c
    4  1  0  0  0  0 d
    > a[c("V1","V2")][a[c("V1","V2")]==0] <- 2
    > a
      V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 a
    1  1  2  0  0  0 a
    2  1  2  0  0  0 b
    3  1  2  0  0  0 c
    4  1  2  0  0  0 d
  22. 移除特定的行

    > a
               [,1]       [,2]       [,3]        [,4]
    [1,]  0.8248820 -1.3022177  0.6119348 -0.04987367
    [2,] -1.0353643  0.7053093 -0.4677782  0.53749134
    [3,]  0.3773115  0.6229525  1.4935924  1.50909417
    [4,]  1.3755883 -0.2864933 -0.3077768 -0.12330547
    [5,]  0.1286202 -0.9517153 -0.7522629 -0.13442884
    > a[apply(a,1,function(x) {mad(x)>0.5}),]
               [,1]       [,2]       [,3]        [,4]
    [1,]  0.8248820 -1.3022177  0.6119348 -0.04987367
    [2,] -1.0353643  0.7053093 -0.4677782  0.53749134
    [3,]  0.3773115  0.6229525  1.4935924  1.50909417
    [4,]  0.1286202 -0.9517153 -0.7522629 -0.13442884
    > a[apply(a,1,function(x) {any(x<0)}),]
               [,1]       [,2]       [,3]        [,4]
    [1,]  0.8248820 -1.3022177  0.6119348 -0.04987367
    [2,] -1.0353643  0.7053093 -0.4677782  0.53749134
    [3,]  1.3755883 -0.2864933 -0.3077768 -0.12330547
    [4,]  0.1286202 -0.9517153 -0.7522629 -0.13442884
  23. colorRampPalette: generate color vectors by given colors

    colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("black",  "white"))
    [1] "#000000" "#1C1C1C" "#383838" "#555555" "#717171" "#8D8D8D" "#AAAAAA"
    [8] "#C6C6C6" "#E2E2E2" "#FFFFFF"
  24. Trace through columns ref

    apply(cities, 2, FUN=function(x) HoltWinters(x=x, gamma=FALSE))
    apply(cities, 2, HoltWinters, gamma=FALSE)
  25. 从data.frame中取出一列,仍然维持是data.frame

    data.frame[, 1, drop=F]
  26. Batch effects ref

    In a literal sense, getting a matrix of batch corrected counts is not possible. Once the batch effects have been removed, the values will no longer be counts.

    To batch correct, it is necessary to first transform the counts to a pseudo-continuous scale. Then you can use batch correction methods developed for microarrays. This is how we usually do it.

    First,put the counts in a DGEList object:

    y <- DGEList(counts=counts)

    Filter non-expressed genes:

    A <- aveLogCPM(y)
    y2 <- y2[A>1,]

    Then normalize and compute log2 counts-per-million with an offset:

    y2 <- calcNormFactors(y2)
    logCPM <- cpm(y2, log=TRUE, prior.count=5)

    Then remove batch correct:

    logCPMc <- removeBatchEffect(y2, batch)

    Here batch is a vector or factor taking a different value for each batch group. You can input two batch vectors.

    Now you can cluster the samples, for example by:


    Variations on this would be use rpkm() instead of cpm(), or to give removeBatchEffect() a design matrix of known groups that are not batch effects.

  27. Transfer number to date

    > library(xlsx)
    > Days <- read.xlsx2("Y.xlsx", sheetIndex = 1, header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
    > head(Days)
      SampleID X.Datum.1.BE Date.of.1st.PD Date.of.death.last.follow.up
    1   181_29        40294          40969                        41562
    2   182_26        40281          40483                        41192
    3   183_27        40287          40923                        41562
    4   184_32        40297          41014                        41562
    5   185_38        40323          40430                        40585
    6   186_40        40324          40378                        41563
    > Days$X.Datum.1.BE = as.Date(as.numeric(Days$X.Datum.1.BE), origin = "1899-12-30")
    > Days$Date.of.1st.PD = as.Date(as.numeric(Days$Date.of.1st.PD), origin = "1899-12-30")
    > head(Days)
      SampleID X.Datum.1.BE Date.of.1st.PD Date.of.death.last.follow.up
    1   181_29   2010-04-26     2012-03-01                   2013-10-15
    2   182_26   2010-04-13     2010-11-01                   2012-10-10
    3   183_27   2010-04-19     2012-01-15                   2013-10-15
    4   184_32   2010-04-29     2012-04-15                   2013-10-15
    5   185_38   2010-05-25     2010-09-09                   2011-02-11
    6   186_40   2010-05-26     2010-07-19                   2013-10-16
  28. Rstudio set dynamic library and other environment variables

    # will list all environmental variables
    Sys.setenv(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=paste("/my_lib_dir", Sys.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH'), sep=":"))
  29. maximal number of DLLs reached

    # /miniconda2/envs/r/lib/R/etc/Renviron
  30. Remove one value from vector

  31. Do not transfer numbers to scientific format

  32. Rmarkdown to markdown

    rmarkdown::render("05.biotools.Rmd", output_format = "md_document",output_file = "test.md")
  33. curl not work

    git clone github_package
    R CMD build github_package
    R CMD install github_package
    install.packages("github_url", repos=NULL, type="source")
  34. Add a column to dataframe as the first column

    df <- data.frame(b = c(1, 1, 1), c = c(2, 2, 2), d = c(3, 3, 3))
    ##   b c d
    ## 1 1 2 3
    ## 2 1 2 3
    ## 3 1 2 3
    df <- data.frame(a = c(0, 0, 0), df)
    ##   a b c d
    ## 1 0 1 2 3
    ## 2 0 1 2 3
    ## 3 0 1 2 3
  35. Change R error messages to english, adding language = EN to RConsole file in R’s \etc directory (C:\Program Files\R\R-x.x.x\etc\ by default).

  36. “inivisible(x) is oftent used with return as “return(invisible(x))”, and as the last statement, the “return” can be left out. The intention is to make the function to return an object, but not to print it when the function it jsut typed on commant-line.

  37. read.table windows下读入 UTF-8格式文件,使用fileEncoding="UTF-8"为参数

  38. Rstuidio更新R版本

conda create -n r-environment r-essentials r-base
/anaconda2/bin/conda create -n r-environment r-essentials r-base

site= "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN"

cran <- c("RColorBrewer", "gplots", "agricolae","optparse", "plotrix","igraph", "psych","sqldf","amap", "igraph", "randomForest", "gridExtra", "reshape2", "ggplot2", "ggrepel", "pheatmap","ggbeeswarm","cowplot","plyr","stringr","grid","VennDiagram", "UpSetR","dplyr","showtext", "vegan", "knitr", "psych", "scatterplot3d", "ggfortify", "gridExtra", "survival", "survminer", "RColorBrewer", "readr", "data.table", "WGCNA","Seurat", "devtools", "bookdown", "statmod", "mvoutlier", "mclust",  "penalized", "cluster", "KernSmooth", "mgcv", "ROCR", "googleVis", "tidyverse", "ggthemes", "corrplot","BiocManager", "Rtsne","factoextra","roxygen2", "ggpubr")

a = rownames(installed.packages())

for(i in cran) {if(! i %in% a) install.packages(i, repos=site)}


a = rownames(installed.packages())

install_bioc <- c("DESeq2","BiocParallel", "tximport","clusterProfiler","org.Hs.eg.db","AnnotationDbi", "impute","GO.db", "preprocessCore", "pcaMethods", "limma", "SingleCellExperiment", "Rhdf5lib", "beachmat", "scater", "scran", "RUVSeq", "sva", "SC3", "TSCAN", "monocle", "destiny", "edgeR", "MAST", "scfind", "scmap", "MultiAssayExperiment", "SummarizedExperiment", "affy", "oligo")

for(i in install_bioc) {if(! i %in% a) BiocManager::install(i, update=F)}

a = rownames(installed.packages())

install_dev <- c("hemberg-lab/scRNA.seq.funcs", "Vivianstats/scImpute", "theislab/kBET", "JustinaZ/pcaReduce", "tallulandrews/M3Drop", "jw156605/SLICER", "kieranrcampbell/ouija")

for(i in install_dev) {j=str_split(i,"/", simplify = T)[,2]; if(! j %in% a) devtools::install_github(i)}

#site= "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN"
#install2 <- c("RColorBrewer", "gplots", "amap", "reshape2", "ggplot2", "ggrepel", "pheatmap","ggbeeswarm","cowplot","plyr","stringr","grid","VennDiagram", "UpSetR","dplyr","showtext", "knitr", "psych", "scatterplot3d", "ggfortify", "gridExtra", "survival", "survminer", "RColorBrewer", "readr", "data.table", "WGCNA","Seurat")
## VennDiagram, showtextdb, showtext, WGCNA, Seurat
#a = rownames(installed.packages())
#for(i in install2) {if(! i %in% a) install.packages(i, repos=site)}
#if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager"))
#    install.packages("BiocManager")
#a = rownames(installed.packages())
#install_bioc <- c("DESeq2","BiocParallel", "tximport","clusterProfiler","org.Hs.eg.db","org.Mm.eg.db","org.At.eg.db","org.Rn.eg.db","AnnotationDbi", "impute","GO.db", "preprocessCore")
#for(i in install_bioc) {if(! i %in% a) BiocManager::install(i)}
##for(i in install_bioc) {if(! i %in% a) BiocManager::install(i, site_repository="http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/bioc/")}


  • http://rfunction.com/archives/1377