


Whether you partied all night, stayed up with a newborn, or lost sleep while finishing up a project, now you’re at work and you’re having a difficult time staying awake. You promise yourself that you’ll get more sleep, if you can just make it through the day without being discovered by your boss with your eyes closed. Here’s how to have a good sleep. If you want to go to sleep at 8.30.


Edit Steps

  1. 1

    Use your sense of smell. A strong scent, good or bad, can make you more alert very quickly. Aromatherapists often recommend essential oils of the following plants to stimulate the nervous system and reduce fatigue (open the bottle and take a big whiff when you’re feeling drowsy):[1]

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    • Rosemary
    • Eucalyptus blue gum.
    • Peppermint (a study showed that smelling peppermint can lower fatigue by 15%, increase alertness by 30% and decrease frustration by 25%.[2])
    • Coffee (beans or brewed, study has shown that simply smelling coffee can awaken a person) [3]
    • Scots pine oil.
    Of course, not all of us have essential oils stored in our file cabinets, but using hand lotions or burning candles with these same scents could help. Herbs like rosemary and peppermint can often be found fresh or dried at a grocery store; for a little pick-me-up, take a pinch and roll it between your fingertips and smell it.
  2. 2

    Use acupressure. Massaging any of the following points will improve circulation and ease fatigue:[4]

    • Top of your head (lightly tap with your fingertip) .
    • Top of the back of your neck.
    • Back of your hands (between thumb and index finger) .
    • Just below the knees.
    • Earlobes[5]
  3. 3

    Take a power nap. If you have the time, sleeping for just 15-20 minutes can increase your alertness by leaps and bounds if you have a cup of coffee (or any other form of caffeine) right before you fall asleep.

  4. 4

    Chew Ice. If you chew ice, you will never fall asleep. The ice chilling the brain keeps it on its toes, even while you are driving late at night and are exhausted and what you really want to do is fall asleep.

  5. 5
    Expose yourself to bright light, preferably natural daylight.</p>

    Expose yourself to bright light, preferably natural daylight.</div> </div>

    Expose yourself to bright light, preferably natural daylight. Your body’s internal clock, its circadian rhythms, are regulated by your exposure to sufficient light. Even if you’re in an environment where there’s artificial light, brighter is better. If you can step outside (even on a cloudy day) or look out the window for a full minute, you’ll be more alert. Wherever you work, see if you can replace the light fixture or add a lamp that will brighten your workspace.

  6. 6

    Keep yourself uncomfortable.

    • Stay on your feet as much as possible. If you have to sit down, get the most uncomfortable chair you can find. Try not to sit in anything that will make you sore if you stay there. Make sure the back is upright, forcing you to sit up very straight. Don’t allow your head to rest on anything–your hands, the desk, the wall.
    • Stay cold. If it’s a little cold, take off your sweater or jacket so you stay on the chilly side. Open a window or put on a small fan, pointed at your face.
  7. Exercise at your computer.Just because you’re sitting down doesn’t mean you can’t use your muscles.
  8. Avoid a full stomach. Munch on snacks all day, rather than having a big meal. The key is to not get a spike of sugar intake (followed by the inevitable crash). The same goes for caffeine. Break your consumption down into small doses.
    • Apple – the sweetness and tartness in the flavor, along with the “crunch” will perk you up in a healthy way
    •  Sunflower seeds still in the husk (put a small handful in your cheek and crack them open one at a time, using only your teeth and tongue; this will require just enough active thought and tongue movement to prevent you from dozing off, and the salt of the sunflower seeds is invigorating and stimulating; spit out the sunflower husks into a paper cup as you go, as quietly as possible so as to not disturb others around you).

      Sunflower seeds still in the husk (put a small handful in your cheek and crack them open one at a time, using only your teeth and tongue; this will require just enough active thought and tongue movement to prevent you from dozing off, and the salt of the sunflower seeds is invigorating and stimulating; spit out the sunflower husks into a paper cup as you go, as quietly as possible so as to not disturb others around you)

    • Raisins.
  9. Listen to music that’s energizing to you; if possible, dance or sing along, even if you just bob your head or hum.

    Listen to music that’s energizing to you; if possible, dance or sing along, even if you just bob your head or hum. Music that’s irritating or jarring to you can also work. Just make sure to use headphones so you don’t disturb your co-workers.

  10. 10

    Every thirty minutes, do one of the following:

    • Physical activity for 2-3 minutes (jumping jacks, push-ups, jogging in place, or walk around)
    • Splash cold water on your face
    • Drink an ice cold glass of water (the coldness picks you up, and guarantees you getting up every half hour or so to go to the bathroom; you won’t fall asleep on a full bladder)
    • Brush your teeth
    • Chew gum. Chewing gum stimulates muscles in your face, increasing blood flow to your head, helping you stay alert and awake.
  11. 11

    *Put cold water on your face,front of your neck, and back of your neck.

  12. 12

    *Stretching and twisting your body can also help improve blood circulation, which helps keep you awake. Rolling your head/neck for about 20 seconds can help as well.

  13. 13

    *Mentality is a big part of it. It sounds hard, but don’t let your mind go into the “fuzzy stage”. When your mind starts to go blank, think about something, be it a joke, a movie, anything to keep your mind working. Even thinking about something that makes you mad can be extremely helpful. Unless they’re drinking, you typically don’t see an angry person abruptly fall asleep.

  14. 14

    *When listening to music to stay awake it’s a common misconception that blasting it loud will keep you awake. Actually turning the music to a very low level actually is more effective. It forces you to try to listen to it to hear the instruments, lyrics, etc. If you’re having difficulty discerning the lyrics, then you’re already doing it right, because this means your mind’s working.

  15. 15

    *Have a regular bedtime and a healthy diet. Brains benefit greatly from schedules. If you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even the weekends, your brain know when it’s time to sleep and fall into a pattern. Getting proper nutrition will also ensure that your body has the proper energy throughout the day without having to resort to naps for extra strength.</li> </ol> </div>