This lists the basic information for using s-plot.
Currently supported plots
Please type in command line directly to have the latest list.
Basic test data set
Here lists the general information of diamonds dataset that comes packaged with ggplot2.
This dataset contains ~50,000 entries. Each row is an individual diamond, and some of the variables of interest include the weight of the diamond in carats, color, clarity, and its price.
One can get, save and view the dataset using below commands. Or download data set from
Defult, the legend is posited at the right of pictures. One can give top to -p to put the legend above pictures. Other accepted strings to -p is bottom,left,right, or c(0.008,0.8). The two element numerical vactor indicats the reltaive position of legend in pictures. 0.008 means position relative y-axis and 0.8 means position relative to x-axis. Specially, c(1,1) put legends at top-right.
Width, Height, Resolution, type of output pictures
Default, width is 20 cm, one can give number to -w to change it. Height is 12 cm, give number to -u to change height. Give number to -r to alter resolution instead of using 300 as default.
8 picture formats are supported, eps/ps, tex (pictex), pdf, jpeg, tiff, bmp, svg and wmf, with png as default. Give any mentioned string to -E to change output format.
Title, xlab, ylab of picture
One can set title, xlab, ylab with -t, -x, -y.
Install modules
Give TRUE to -i to install required modules for the first time. (i is shorted for install)
Give FALSE to -e if you only want to get the R scripts instead of running them. (e is shorted for execute)