#!/bin/bash #set -x usage() { cat <<EOF ${txtcyn} Usage: $0 options${txtrst} ${bldblu}Function${txtrst}: This script is used generate a picture collection for all pics in given folder. ${txtbld}OPTIONS${txtrst}: -d The path for pics${bldred}[NECESSARY], like tandem/. The slash '/' at the end is alternative. ${txtrst} -p Prefix for header line[${bldred}NECESSARY, like 50-200${txtrst}] -o Output prefix, the name for output files. [${bldred}NECESSARY, like 50-200${txtrst}] -e Execute or not[${bldred}Default TRUE, accept FALSE${txtrst}] EOF } dir= prefix= output= execute='TRUE' while getopts "hd:p:o:e:" OPTION do case $OPTION in h) usage exit 1 ;; d) dir=$OPTARG ;; p) prefix=$OPTARG ;; o) output=$OPTARG ;; e) execute=$OPTARG ;; ?) usage exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -z $dir ]; then usage echo "** No dir **" exit 1 fi if [ -z $prefix ]; then usage echo "** No prefix **" exit 1 fi if [ -z $output ]; then usage echo "** No output **" exit 1 fi dir=`echo ${dir%/}` dir=$dir"/" file=${output}.tex newdir=${prefix}.${output}.${dir} /bin/rm -rf ${newdir}* /bin/mkdir -p $newdir cat <<END >$file \documentclass[presentation, compress, blue, 9pt]{beamer} \usetheme{Frankfurt} \usefonttheme[stillsansseriflarge, stillsansserifsmall]{serif} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} %used to insert picture \usepackage{times} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{caption} %\captionsetup{labelformat=simple, labelsep=period, font=scriptsize} %\captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=simple} %\renewcommand\thesubfigure{\Alph{subfigure}} \usepackage{xcolor} \graphicspath} \setbeamercovered{dynamic} \setbeamertemplate{caption}[numbered] %%this delete the naigation bar at bottom-right \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \setbeamertemplate{blocks}[rounded][shadow=true] %-------------newcommand--------------------------------------------- \newcommand{\graph}[1]{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth, height=0.8\textheight, keepaspectratio=true]{#1}} \newcommand{\graphe}[1]{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth, height=0.85\textheight, keepaspectratio=true]{#1} \end{figure}} % % The following info should normally be given in you main file: % \title{To my Dou dou} \author[Qhy]{Qhy} \date{\today} \begin{document} \frame1{\titlepage} %delete the navagation bar at first page \part<presentation>{Main Talk} END num=0 for i in `ls ${dir} | grep 'png$'`; do ((num++)) title=${prefix}"-"${num} subtitle=`echo $i | \ awk '{split($0,a,"_"); chr=a[1]; start=a[2]; \ split(a[3],b,"."); end=b[1]; name=chr":"start"-"end; print \ name,"(Distance:", end-start,"nt)";}'` /bin/cp -f ${dir}${i} ${newdir}${num}.png #echo $pic_file cat <<END >>$file \begin{frame}1 \begin{figure} \centering \textbf{${title}} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering ${subtitle} \end{figure} \graphe{${num}} \end{frame} END done #\begin{frame}1 # \begin{figure}# # \centering # \Huge Thank you! # \end{figure} #\end{frame} cat <<END >>$file \end{document} END if [ "$execute" == "TRUE" ]; then xelatex $file fi