UCSC usages
Here lists how to use UCSC tablebrowser to get various gene annotation information.
Get gene annotation file in GTF or bed format
Open UCSC table browser and fill the following information and hit get output
Get chromosome size file or genome size file
Get the type of each transcripts
- For Refseq genes
- Change
in above picture. - Click
describe table schema
to see the description of each table. Here lists the information for reference.
- Change
'Unknown', 'Reviewed', 'Validated', 'Provisional', 'Predicted', 'Inferred'
–Molecular type
'DNA', 'RNA', 'ds-RNA', 'ds-mRNA', 'ds-rRNA', 'mRNA', 'ms-DNA', 'ms-RNA', 'rRNA', 'scRNA',
'snRNA', 'snoRNA', 'ss-DNA', 'ss-RNA', 'ss-snoRNA', 'tRNA', 'cRNA', 'ss-cRNA', 'ds-cRNA', 'ms-rRNA'
- For Ensemble genes
- From track
and tableensemblSource
. - Click
describe table schema
to see the description of each table. Here lists the information for reference.
- From track
name source
ENSMUST00000160944 transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene
ENSMUST00000082908 snRNA
ENSMUST00000162897 processed_transcript
ENSMUST00000159265 processed_transcript
ENSMUST00000070533 protein_coding
ENSMUST00000161581 antisense
ENSMUST00000157765 snRNA
- Please also refer to http://asia.ensembl.org/info/docs/genebuild/ncrna.html and http://redmine.soe.ucsc.edu/forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=12047&S=03eba72760c0c4d83c9a2327810936cb.
Get pseudogene annotation in GTF format
Open UCSC table browser and chose alltables
for group
and pseudoYale60
for table
Get rRNA annotation in GTF format
- Select “All Tables” from the group drop-down list
- Select the “rmsk” table from the table drop-down list
- Choose “GTF” as the output format
- Type a filename in “output file” so your browser downloads the result
- Click “create” next to filter
- Next to “repClass,” type rRNA
- Next to free-form query, select “OR” and type repClass = “tRNA”
- Click submit on that page, then get output on the main page
Get repeat elements and their class and family information
- UCSC table browser — mammal – mouse — mm9 - variation and repeats – repeatmarsker — rmsk – selected fields from primary and related tables
Get and use Phastcon conservation value
- Get PhastCons scores from UCSC:
There are various phastCons score files, depending on the genomes in the pileup. E.g. http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm9/phastCons30way/. You can get them by ftp:
2) Convert wig to bigWig:
Each chromosome file of scores (wig files) can be converted into bigWig files. 64-bit binaries come from: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/
The fetchChromSizes script
is required to get the chromosome length for the wigToBigWig
Run wigToBigWig
on each chromosome file, e.g:
3) Calculate mean phastCons score for the coordinates of interest:
Another script called bigWigSummary
can be obtained from UCSC, using the link above. It takes in a set of genome coordinate and will spit out the max or mean of values contained in the bigWig file, in our case phastCons scores.