ggplot2 tips
will show you the “hidden” options that you can use in theme()
or ?themes
see lists of opetions
will list the arguments for this function
The alpha channel is normally used as an opacity channel. If a pixel has a value of 0% in its alpha channel, it is fully transparent (and, thus, invisible), whereas a value of 100% in the alpha channel gives a fully opaque pixel (traditional digital images).
Common variable
The two dots are a visual indicator highlighting that variable is not present in the original data, but has been computed by the statistic.
: bin_count / sum(count)
: bin_count / max(count)
: bin_density / max(abs(density))
: bin_count / max(abs(count))
count : number of points in bin
density : density of points in bin, scaled to integrate to 1
ncount : count, scaled to maximum of 1
ndensity : density, scaled to maximum of 1
Change font size and color for labels link
#chang axis size
theme ( axis.text.x = element_text ( size = X )) + theme ( axis.text.y = element_text ( size = X ))
theme ( axis.text.x = element_text ( angle = 90 , hjust = 1 ))
#Erase labels and ticks on x,y axis
p + theme ( axis.ticks = element \_ blank (), axis.text.x = element \_ blank (), \
axis.text.y = element \_ blank (), axis.ticks.x = element \_ blank ())
Add Title, xlab, ylab
#wrap the title, you can use "\n" to move the remaining text to a new line:
#ggplot2 doesn't have "subtitle" functionality.
#But you can use the \n term in any of the labels to drop down a line.
theme ( title = "text \n more text" )
xlab ( NULL ) + ylab ( NULL )
ggtitle ( "strings" )
# A scatterplot with regular (linear) axis scaling
sp <- ggplot ( dat , aes ( xval , yval )) + geom_point ()
# log2 scaling of the y axis (with visually-equal spacing)
library ( scales ) # Need the scales package
sp + scale_y_continuous ( trans = log2_trans ())
# log2 coordinate transformation (with visually-diminishing spacing)
sp + coord_trans ( y = "log2" )
#scale_y_log2() will do the transformation first
#and then calculate the geoms
#coord_trans() will do the opposite: calculate the geoms first,
#and then transform the axis.
#So sometimes you need coord_trans(ytrans = "log2") instead of #
#scale_y_log2() to avoid data loss.
Options for legends
theme ( legend.key.width = unit ( 1 , "in" ),
legend.text = theme_text ( size = 30 ),
legend.title = element_blank (), #no legend title
legend.key = element_blank (), #no border for legend
legend.position = "none" #"right","left","top"
#0.08 means right away from y-axis,
#0.8 means above from x-axis,
#relative to the size of picture
legend.position = c ( 0.08 , 0.8 )
legend.direction = "vertical" ,
legend.justification = "center"
Set the order of legends or other variables
#Default, ggplot2 uses alphabetical order. #
#One can change it by given vectors
foomelt $ COG <- factor ( foomelt $ COG , levels = c ( "first" , "second" , ... , "last" ), ordered = T )
foomelt $ COG <- factor ( foomelt $ COG , levels = c ( "first" , "second" , ... , "last" ))
Use facets to set the layout of pictures, also check here
#ncol=6 means horizontally, six pics one row.
#nrow=6 means vertically, six pics one column.
#scale='free' means each pic can have different axis ranges.
#each pic can also have different x-axis by 'free_x' or y-axis by 'free-y'
facet_wrap ( ~ Size , ncol = 6 , scale = 'free' )
facet_grid ( . ~ level , nrow = 6 , scale = "fixed" )
facet_grid ( vertical_level ~ horizontal_level )
Add pearson coefficient link
# Calculate correlation coefficient
with ( mtcars , cor ( wt , mpg , use = "everything" , method = "pearson" ))
[ 1 ] -0.8676594
#annotate the plot
+ geom_abline ( intercept = 37 , slope = -5 ) +
geom_text ( data = data.frame (), aes ( 4.5 , 30 , label = "Pearson-R = -.87" ))
Remove grid line and use white background
theme_bw ()
theme ( panel.grid.major = element_blank (),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank ())
#theme_blank for old version
[ggplot2 layout] (
1 .Hidden outliers
geom_boxplot ( outlier.colour = 'NA' )
2 .Adjust ylim
stats <- boxplot.stats ( value ) $ stats
ylim_zoomin <- c ( stats [ 1 ] / 2 , stats [ 5 ] * 2 )
p + coord_cartesian ( ylim = ylim_zoomin )
Manually set line type and line color, ref
ggplot ( mort3 , aes ( x = year , y = BCmort , col = State , linetype = State )) +
geom_line ( lwd = 1 ) +
scale_linetype_manual ( values = c ( rep ( "solid" , 10 ), rep ( "dashed" , 6 ))) +
scale_color_manual ( values = c ( brewer.pal ( 10 , "Set3" ), brewer.pal ( 6 , "Set3" ))) +
opts ( title = "BC mortality" ) +
theme_bw ()
scale_color_manual ( values = c ( "red" , 'green' , 'blue' )
scale_color_manual ( values = c ( rgb ( 255 / 255 , 0 / 255 , 0 / 255 ),
rgb ( 0 / 255 , 255 / 255 , 0 / 255 ), rgb ( 0 / 255 , 0 / 255 , 255 / 255 ))
Manually set ytics and xtics
scale_x_continuous ( breaks = round ( seq ( min ( dat $ x ), mx ( dat $ x ), by = 0.5 ), 1 ))
sclale_y_continuous ( breaks = c ( 8 , 16 , 100 , 128 , 512 , 1000 )) #any number
Color usage
[color bars] (
color plate
ggplot2 R